About us

Nice to meet you!

We are Teo and Lisa, two biotechnologists who, after living and working for 2 years in the Netherlands, decided to go “off-road”. Born in Italy in 1998, we love to explore and are overly curious. It’s hard for us to keep quiet, and we don’t know how to use social media. We argue like an old couple and dress poorly (only Lisa, actually). Our strong point? Definitely Lilly. There are many bloggers, but how many have a strange dog like Lilly? She’s with us somewhat by chance and absolutely isn’t a dog, but you’ll only find that out by following us. She’s strange, funny, and stubborn, maybe she resembles us a bit… But let’s talk about Wandering Pantala

What is Wandering Pantala?

For a thousand different reasons, which we will tell you little by little, we have created Wandering Pantala, our little project that will lead us to share with you many curiosities of the world. From science to culture, from history to the most delicate topics. No taboo will be safe! We want to discover and grow, learn from our mistakes, and become better human beings. We will do this by traveling in many different ways, within ourselves and for the world. We are the opposite of perfection and we want to share our journey with you. Does this sound like a good “About Us”?

Why Wandering Pantala?

You will read in our articles how we got to this point, but know that before choosing “Wandering Pantala” as the name of our project, we thought and rethought for months. In the end, we discovered almost by chance the existence of a very particular dragonfly. In fact, this Pantala flavescens is an expert traveler, taking the journey so seriously that its migrations involve multiple generations. Just imagine a grandmother dragonfly starting her journey knowing that it will be continued by her grandchildren. We were fascinated by this story, and that’s why we became Wandering Pantala!

So what could you expect?

In conclusion, you could expect anything, and we do too. We are tired of making plans that we then don’t follow, so we will decide the path step by step. There are many ideas, some already in the lab and others still far away. Follow us to discover them! However, we are sure of a few things: On Wandering Pantala, you will see many of our mistakes and a lot of willingness to act, you will find transparency, honesty, and a generous pinch of whimsy. A definitely non-linear path and plenty of space for respectful and correct confrontation.

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