Catalonia’s Tio de Nadal Tradition: Peculiar Christmas Celebration Unveiled

Explore Catalonia's enchanting Tio de Nadal tradition, blending joyous celebrations with ancient rituals. Experience the magic of Christmas in Catalonia!

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In the heart of Catalonia, one of Spain’s region, lies a Christmas tradition that embodies the spirit of joy and anticipation during the holiday season—the Tio de Nadal, also known as “Caga Tió” or literally “Shit Log”. This tradition, deeply rooted in Catalan culture, brings families together in a celebration filled with folklore.

The Tale Behind the Tio de Nadal

Tio de Nadal

The story of the Tio de Nadal dates back centuries, merging pagan and Christian traditions. Legend has it that the Tio de Nadal is a magical log that comes to life in the weeks leading up to Christmas. Families keep the log warm by covering it with a blanket and feeding it treats each night from December 8th, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, to Christmas Eve. 

As we read on the 3CAT website, a popular Catalan platform, they say that experts point out that it is a very old tradition that may have its origin in pre-Christian traditions. It could come from a very old ritual for awakening nature during the winter solstice.

Their article continues: “ In addition, the trunks, or the edifices, were used to make fire in the home, around which many centuries ago the ancient cults of the ancestors were celebrated and were offered food. The smoke, the fireplace, was a means of communication with the ancestors.” 

This means that, from the already shady origin of this tradition, it changed a lot during the years.

Festive Rituals and Customs

On Christmas Eve, the culmination of this waiting tradition begins. Children gather around the Tio de Nadal and sing traditional songs, encouraging the log to “poop” out small gifts and candies. 

With each verse sung, the log magically produces treats, symbolizing the log’s ‘defecation’ of presents. This joyful ritual delights children and adults alike, fostering a sense of togetherness and laughter.

The song goes like this:


Caga tió,

avellanes i torró,

no caguis arengades

que són massa salades,

caga torrons

que són més bons.

Caga tió,

ametlles i torró,

i, si no vols cagar,

et donaré un cop de bastó!

Caga tió!


Shit, tió,

hazelnuts and nougats,

do not shit herrings,

they are too salty,

shit nougats

they taste better.

Shit, tió,

almonds and nougats,

and if you don’t want to shit

I will hit you with a stick!

Shit, tió!

Preserving The Tradition

Tio de Nadal with Barretina hat

While modern times have brought changes to holiday celebrations, the Tio de Nadal remains an integral part of Catalan Christmas festivities. Families continue to pass down this tradition from one generation to the next, preserving its cultural significance and adding their unique touches to the celebration. 

For example nowadays the Log has a painted face, little sticks as legs. It can be also seen portrayed with a “barretina”, a traditional catalan hat. 

This is a modernization of the old tradition of just taking one log from the burning log pile,  a way of characterizing the log and trying to revive the old magic around it.

Experience the Magic of Tio de Nadal

For those visiting Catalonia during the holiday season won’t be that hard to find a Tio de Nadal.

From the bustling Christmas markets to intimate family gatherings, the festive atmosphere envelops locals and visitors alike, inviting everyone to take part in this heartwarming tradition.

Final Thoughs

The Tio de Nadal tradition encapsulates the essence of Catalonia’s festive spirit. As families gather around this Tio, the joyous songs and shared laughter resonate, creating cherished memories that endure through generations. This unique custom serves as a reminder of the importance of tradition, unity, and the simple joys that make the holiday season truly special.

Whether you’re a local steeped in tradition or a curious traveler seeking to experience Catalonia’s vibrant culture, the Tio de Nadal promises a heartwarming celebration filled with laughter, togetherness, and the magic of Christmas.

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