The Economy of Cuba and a Picture of the Society

Delve into the Cuban way of life and discover the country's economy, heavily reliant on tourism and agricultural sectors. Learn about the challenges faced by the population.

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Economy of Cuba

After discussing the historical aspects, it is important to focus on the social dimension in Cuba. The situation is highly complex, with millions of different perspectives that cannot be ignored. To truly understand, one must travel to people’s homes, ask questions, and be ready to listen. This is where the real journey begins.

In Cuba, we have witnessed countless smiles, music, innovation, science, and love for the homeland. However, we have also seen immense suffering, discontent, and fear in a country that suppresses any form of dissent, criticism, or protest. The Cuban people are currently facing a severe economic crisis. It is not uncommon to encounter artists painting pro-government messages on the walls of the capital or tourist guides praising the revolution and its achievements. However, it is important not to dwell solely on this image, as Cuba is much more than that and deserves to be heard and appreciated for what it truly is.

To truly understand the Cuban way of life, it is crucial to explore the backbone of society – the economy. As of today, the Cuban economy heavily relies on tourism, with the construction of large hotels near the capital and the renovation of historic buildings. The country attracts over 3 million visitors annually. In the agricultural sector, the cultivation of sugarcane, tobacco, coffee, rice, and potatoes dominates. This information can be utilized to enjoy quality products originating from the region while avoiding common scams found in larger cities. In recent years, the biotechnology sector has also made significant progress, with Cuba producing effective vaccines during the pandemic and exporting drugs and skilled workers abroad.

Cuban Rights: Travel Restrictions, LGBTQ+ Equality, and Progress Against Racism

Freedom of movement outside the country is severely restricted. Since January 2013, Cuban citizens can travel abroad only with a valid passport, eliminating the need for a “carte blanche” or a “carta de invitaciòn” from a resident of the country. Despite this change in the law, many people we encountered during our trip had never left the island due to financial constraints or difficulties in obtaining documents and permits.

Women and members of the LGBTQ community are guaranteed equality in all areas of law, and same-sex marriage has been legalized since the 2022 referendum. Cuba is a secular country, allowing every citizen to freely practice their chosen faith. Christianity is the most widespread religion, followed by African-American religions and a significant percentage of atheists. The Cuban population is predominantly composed of white descendants of Spanish settlers, with mulattoes and blacks making up the remaining portion. While racism has a long history in Cuba, significant progress has been made since the Cuban Revolution of 1959. However, there is still work to be done, and racism in 2023 should not be tolerated.

Is Cuba a safe country?

Yes, Cuba is safe, and you can visit without any fear. However, it is important to inform and spread awareness about the freedoms guaranteed to the people. Cuba faces various challenges, primarily economic and governmental. Over the years, peaceful revolts driven by the discontent of a poverty-stricken population have been violently repressed, resulting in the humiliation, beating, and arrest of many participants. The government controls and filters all media and information, with no allowance for independent press. Internet access is limited and costly, making it inaccessible to most of the population. Censorship is prevalent, and the fear of expressing different opinions is palpable.

I invite you to explore Havana, listen to tourist guides, read political messages on walls and buildings, and engage in conversations with locals in casas particulares (private houses with rooms for rent). With a little trust, you will witness a different world unfold before your eyes.

Casas Particulares

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